Aries, you will win accolades from your superiors and your colleagues will look up to you. You will enjoy all the success and attention. Finance will be good, and you are likely to make some good investments. The advice is to enjoy your money as well, suggests the Cancer horoscope for this week. So, embrace what resonates and let the cosmos illuminate your path with the horoscope for this week for Cancer and other zodiac signs.
Tarot readings offer us guidance to identify the obstacles in life and utilise the resources we must overcome these obstacles. You cannot change your destiny but improvise and modify it with positive actions and guidance from the cards. Read on to see what the horoscope will be for Cancer and other zodiac signs this week. Try to make the best of situations you are likely to face.
Horoscope this week for Cancer and other zodiac signs from September 2 – September 8, 2024
Aries weekly horoscope
Aries natives will be full of enthusiasm for work and will be at their creative best. You will win accolades from your superiors and your colleagues will look up to you. You will enjoy all the success and attention. Businesses will flourish, and women entrepreneurs are likely to perform better. Good financial gains are indicated. You will reap good returns from past investments also and will invest more. Your efforts towards your health goals will bear fruit you will achieve them. Keep up the good work and do not compromise on your health. On the relationship front, good bonding between couples is indicated. This card shows that all the strife of the past will be sorted, and you will move ahead with renewed vigour and gusto. You will share a good intimacy with your partner. The family will be supportive and caring. You will enjoy closeness with the family.
Taurus weekly horoscope
Taurus sun sign natives will enjoy stability in their job, but they may be anxious about retaining their position. The advice is to just do your best. Financially you will be fine and this is a good time to make long-term investments. The advice is to secure your present first. Some health issues might crop up and it is a good time for a check-up. Do not ignore any symptoms. Pregnant women need to be careful and not take any risks. Follow a healthy diet and be vigilant against accidents. You might be bored with the monotony of the relationship, and you need to act towards adding some fun to your equation. Work towards making your relationship exciting. Family might need attention, especially the children.
Gemini weekly horoscope
Gemini sun sign natives will face some discord at work. Some disagreements amongst workers might spoil the camaraderie at the workplace. It could indicate problems in a corporate alliance. Businesspeople need to be understanding and sensitive towards their partners and workers. Be careful, a severance of collaboration is a possibility. Finances will be average. You need to be prudent in spending your money especially when you’re making investments. You might heal emotionally or experience some health issues. Keep working towards your health goals. You will have a good rapport with your partner and enjoy marital bliss. This is the best time for fertility and conception. Familial bonds will be good. There will be harmony among all the family members.
Read our story on all zodiac signs’ personality traits, compatibility and more
Cancer weekly horoscope
Cancer sun sign natives will enjoy prosperity and appreciation at work. You might feel insecure about slipping down in your performance. Right actions are likely to yield good results, states the Cancer horoscope for this week. Business natives will have to put in extra effort at work. Finance will be good, and you are likely to make some good investments. The advice is to enjoy your money as well, suggests the Cancer horoscope for this week. Cancer sun sign natives need to be overcautious regarding their health. Do not lax in your eating and exercising schedules and above all be vigilant driving and crossing roads. According to the Cancer horoscope this week, you might have to make some big financial decisions as a couple. The advice is to make amicable decisions. Finances can be the biggest source of stress and pleasure at the same time. Aligning the financial goals together can guarantee a successful relationship to some extent.
Leo weekly horoscope
Leo sun sign natives should remember the lessons learnt in the past. You might face a situation linking your present to the past. Use the experiences of the past as a stepping stone for the future. Natives in jobs might get an offer from their previous firm and businesspeople might bring back their previous employees. Investments from the past will yield good returns and good financial planning will be an asset. Health will be perfect you will be full of energy and positivity. Besides physical and mental well-being, you are all set to grow spiritually as well. You might be oversensitive and overemotional this week. Take hold of your emotions and let this not become a habit. Introspect and get to the root. Share your insecurities with your partner. Problems shared are problems halved. Pregnant women need to be extra careful this week. Your family might be stressed with your sensitivity and emotional outbursts. You need to work on yourself.
Virgo weekly horoscope
Virgo sun sign natives will get all the cooperation from the seniors this week. You need to be kind and generous towards your colleagues and juniors. Your superiors will be understanding and will reward you adequately. Businesses will bloom and you will need to look after your workers more. Finances will be good and you will be in a happy and contented state of mind. A sudden worsening in your physical fitness is indicated. Take this as a cosmic warning and work towards your well-being. A health check-up is a good idea. Do not neglect persistent symptoms. Your relationship will face some challenges, and you need to air your problems to your partner. Family might be demanding. Try to keep them in the loop so that they can understand your lack of commitment. Try to spend quality time with near and dear ones.
Libra weekly horoscope
Libra sun sign natives will face dissatisfaction at work. You might be desirous of a change and might not be able to make that happen. You need to upscale your skills and work towards improving your professional life. Businesspeople will have a lot of ideas for expansion, but you should implement them after weighing all the pros and cons. You are advised to scale down and save money as some losses are indicated. Add some physical activity to your sedentary lifestyle. Work does take the major portion of time but neglecting your health might have some unpleasant consequences. Work towards a regimented exercise schedule and focus on healthy eating. You need a bit of balancing in your relationship. Everything requires effort and having a good equation with your partner is no different. Value your relationship and work towards improving it. Try to include outings and adventures in your life. A good holiday will increase the bonhomie. Your family might feel neglected.
Scorpio weekly horoscope
Scorpio sun sign natives will be meted out the cosmic justice this week, ‘with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again’. You reap what you sow is the exact meaning. Financially, this week warns you to be honest and dedicated towards money and investments. Any fraudulent use of money is likely to cost you dear. Work diligently towards your well-being and you will be successful. You will enjoy good health. You need to rekindle your relationship, add spice to your monotonous routine, and spend quality time with your partner. You will have a harmonious relationship but you need to add some fun and frolic. Familial bonds will be harmonious and satisfying. Children and youngsters are likely to make you proud with their achievements.
Sagittarius weekly horoscope
Sagittarius sun sign people will face some misunderstandings at work. There are chances of some disagreement between colleagues, and you need to be careful to maintain camaraderie at work. Try not to rub your seniors on the wrong side. Good planning and strategising will take you places. People in business should move ahead with proper planning. Be careful with finances. You will enjoy good health. Do not overindulge and skip your workouts. Some friction in the relationship with your partner might spoil the domestic harmony. You need to be more open and communicative about your problems and feelings. Bottling up your emotions will affect your mental health. Sharing might reduce your burden and you are likely to get another opinion as to how to deal with it. Try to avoid arguments with family members. Keep them abreast with your problems to increase their understanding.
Capricorn weekly horoscope
Capricorn sun sign natives will face obstacles and delays at work. Things might not go smoothly and you might face some hiccups. Students might not get very good results and businesspeople might experience some thuds. Financially, this might not be a good time. Money might not come as expected and you might face a financial crunch. You need to take a break and make some time for self-care. This card strongly suggests that you need to rest and recuperate. Slow down and focus on healthy food and some physical exercises. Keep your mind calm and stay relaxed. On the relationship front, you need to give importance to your partner’s needs and wants. You need to give space in relationships. Do not be over-controlling and do not nitpick with family. Your intentions might be noble but it will create unnecessary friction.
Aquarius weekly horoscope
Aquarius natives are likely to miss out on some good career opportunities. Dilly-dallying and slowness in actions will cost you dear. Crying over spilt milk will not help. You need to pull up your socks and not lose out on good chances for growth in your career. Business natives might lose out on a big project or order due to indecisiveness. You need to be quick and alert as nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity. Finances will be less than expected. It will be wise to spend accordingly. You need to make certain lifestyle changes and work towards the betterment of your health. Get a health check-up done, and follow a healthy diet and exercise regime thereafter. You will enjoy a fulfilling and passionate relationship. Your bonds are all set to strengthen, and you will appreciate your partner more. This card is a good indicator of conception and pregnancy. You will enjoy good familial bonds. Your closeness is all set to increase, and you will get closer to children and youngsters in the family.
Pisces weekly horoscope
Pisces sun sign natives need to get away from overload and mental exhaustion at work. Work is a part of your life and not the whole life. You need to take a break and not let the professional fatigue set in. Businesspeople should slow their pace, and not jump the gun. A lot of hard work will have to be put into achieving your targets. Finances will not be proportional to the efforts and that might frustrate you. You will enjoy good health and be committed towards your health goals. Follow a healthy lifestyle and you are likely to enjoy good health. You will go down memory lane and relive the pleasant memories with your partner, thus strengthening the bonds of love. Your closeness is all set to increase and you will enjoy a good family time with all the members. A good time with old friends is also indicated.
Hero and Featured Images: Courtesy Storyset/Freepik
Read the weekly horoscope for the week of August 26 – September 1. The weekly horoscopes for the week of September 9 – September 15 will be online next Sunday.
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The information in this article is accurate as of the date of publication.